Plastic surrounds us in our everyday lives and eliminating it can seem overwhelming. Most single-use items are not recoverable and cannot be recycled. Plastic garbage that ends up in landfills and Lake Erie takes hundreds or thousands of years to degrade. Plus, there is increased concern about the chemicals and toxins that plastics release into the environment.


Recycling can help reduce the amount of garbage that ends up in landfills, waterways and ecosystems but only a few types of plastics can be recycled in Cuyahoga County and Northeast Ohio. That's why reducing what you consume or use is a critical part of waste management. It's important to recognize if you don't create waste, you don't have to manage it. 


Consider these easy ways to get started reducing plastic waste.

Plastic Free July

During the month of July, join the worldwide effort to reduce plastic waste. Be part of the plastics pollution revolution by making a conscious effort to change your habits and choose to refuse single-use plastics.  See how you can make a difference.

  • Celebrate retailers in Cuyahoga County that have eliminated plastic checkout bags. Check out the Sustainable Stores Locator from the Cuyahoga County Department of Sustainability.
  • Take the Pesky Plastics Quiz from the Plastic Free Foundation.
  • Plastic Free July is as easy as this! Watch the video
  • Our public agency posts all month long about Plastic Free July. Help spread the word on Facebook, Nextdoor, Instagram , or other social network.
  • See additional tips on Plastic Free July's YouTube channel or website to learn how you can make a difference.

Reduce Plastic Bags

  • Do you really need that bag? If you're only purchasing one or two items, or taking restaurant leftovers to go, carry the items out of the store or eatery without a plastic bag.
  • #BYOBags. When you shop, take your bags to the grocery, retail, or convenience store. Canvas, vinyl, or cloth are great options. Find a design or color that matches your personality and purchasing habits. See ideas for remembering your reusable bags.
  • Pick up poop. Bread bags, frozen food bags, mail orders, and used food storage bags are strong options for picking up after your pooch on your next walk around the neighborhood.
  • Forget the poop bags altogether. Use an unlined handled scooper or shovel to collect the doo then deposit the pile into a backyard dog waste composter.
  • Use reusable produce bags. Purchase mesh bags or make reusable cloth bags for fresh fruits and vegetables. Be sure to wash them often.
  • Use other bags around the house such as pet food, birdseed, and dry cleaning bags as kitchen trash can liners. You may be surprised at the options you already have in your household.
  • Consider not lining smaller trash cans in bathrooms and bedrooms at all. Most household trash outside of the kitchen is dry and does not require a liner plus it can be combined into one larger kitchen trash bag each week. If you prefer a liner, try using a paper bag instead.

Reduce Other Plastics


  • Purchase eggs packaged in paper cartons that can be recycled instead of Styrofoam or plastic. If your store doesn't carry them, ask them to make a change.
  • Choose other goods or products packaged in metal, glass, paper, or cardboard instead of plastic. Aluminum and glass are infinitely recyclable without loss in quality. Paper and cardboard are recyclable and biodegradable.
  • Fill it up. Using your location on an internet browser, search and find a zero-waste store or refill shop near you. Take your reusable containers to the store to purchase soap, shampoo, oils, cleaners, and other products.

Bath and Laundry 

  • Say no to disposable dryer sheets, a synthetic polyester intended to be used once and then thrown away. Instead, try wool dryer balls, a renewable resource.
  • Eliminate bulky plastic laundry jugs by purchasing detergent sheets. The detergent sheets fully dissolve in water and are designed as eco-friendly alternatives to bottle detergents.
  • Use bar soap instead of liquid hand soap, shower gel, or body wash. Choose bar soap wrapped in paper or bars that can be purchased in bulk.
  • Try longer wear lenses. Packaging from daily contact lenses generates a lot of excess waste. Using contact lenses replaced every 1-3 months, instead of dailies, creates less trash and may save money too.

At Home

  • Nobody likes doing dishes. But, you can eliminate waste by not using plasticware or paper plates and throwaway items at home.
  • Plastic-covered pods or packs used in an automatic dishwasher can send microplastics into our environment every time you run the appliance. Purchasing and using powdered detergent cuts back on plastic and may save money too.
  • Pack your lunch in reusable containers and bags instead of in sandwich bags and plastic wrap. Also, opt for fresh fruits and veggies or bulk items instead of products that come in single-serving cups.
  • Party time! Most plastic party cups are not recyclable. Instead, serve beverages to your guests in aluminum cups, recyclable cans, or bottles. Or, provide them with a cup that can be washed and reused.
  • Eliminate bottled water. Consider water packaged in boxes, cans, or aluminum bottles. You can also fill a reusable bottle or pitcher with tap water. You'll save money while reducing waste.
  • Avoid buying frozen foods because their packaging is mostly plastic. Even those that appear to be cardboard are coated in a thin layer of plastic. 
  • If goods packaged in plastic wrap are unavoidable, recycle the plastic film anywhere plastic bags are accepted for recycling. This includes the wrap on toilet paper and paper towels, bread bags, and cereal bag liners.

On the Go

  • Skip the straw. Say no to plastic straws, especially at restaurants or on the go. If using a straw is necessary, purchase a reusable stainless steel or glass straw.
  • Headed out to eat? Bring a container for the leftovers or takeout to avoid the restaurant's to-go plastic or Styrofoam packaging.
  • Use a reusable bottle, mug, or cup for beverages, even when ordering from a to-go shop.
  • Carry your eating utensils. Try bamboo, a renewable resource.
  • Getting take-out from your local restaurant? When you place your order, request that they leave out plastic utensils, napkins, and condiment packets.
  • If you're eating at your workplace or school cafeteria, bring a plate or container instead of using the disposable ones provided.

Cuyahoga County's Plastic Bag Ban

Learn more about Cuyahoga County's plastic bag ban.

See a printable PDF on the benefits of choosing reusable bags.

Need help remembering your reusable bags? Request a BYOBags window cling or sticker for your vehicle, house windows, doors or mirrors or read our blog post of tips

See more details about how to recycle right in Cuyahoga County or learn more about the recycling process.

Cuyahoga County's Sustainable Stores Grant for Retail Communities

Municipalities, chambers of commerce, and non-profits are invited to apply for up to $8,000 to eliminate the use of plastic checkout bags in their community. Learn more about the Grant for Retail Communities. Applications are due Friday, July 5, 2024 at 4:00 PM.